Dangerous Foods and Plants

Need help or advice on feeding your Schnauzer, whether it be kibble or treats, you'll find the information here. There is food reviews, recipes, remedies for poorly tummies and a wealth of feeding knowledge from your fellow Schnauzer owner. We cover BARF in a separate section.
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Re: Dangerous Foods and Plants

Post by seanysean123 »

Hi just whilst this thread is still running...I saw near the beginning that someone had trouble with their dog tucking in to Bamboo in their garden.... Ralphy also likes to pull ours apart.....I've read that this isn't poisonous and in fact according to lots of threads on the web is very common for dogs to do...... My question is...how can we stop him.....it's ruining our garden....we currently have windreaks around stopping him from getting near it.....but I can't watch him the whole time he is in the garden....and don't want my garden to resemble a year round beach!!!! any help appreciated....


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Re: Dangerous Foods and Plants

Post by henrys mum »

Hi Sean I'd make sure he's learnt the 'leave it' then have a light house line or training line on him and just say 'leave it' and make him move away from the bamboo. Of course you need to make sure you're with him or at least he's in sight and the line within reach ;) Be consistant and he'll get the message. Now if you've any ideas of how to stop my two giants tearing up the lawn? :))
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Re: Dangerous Foods and Plants

Post by 25Jack »

I have been giving Daschwood chopped raw garlic with his lunch as it was advised as a natural deterrent against fleas. I will have to think again. I can't believe I have put him in danger. Thanks for the information.
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Re: Dangerous Foods and Plants

Post by Dawnspell »

25Jack wrote:I have been giving Daschwood chopped raw garlic with his lunch as it was advised as a natural deterrent against fleas. I will have to think again. I can't believe I have put him in danger. Thanks for the information.
Don't panic too much a lot of us add garlic to homemade food and homemade dog biscuits. If you're worried about giving fresh garlic Dorwest herbs do garlic tablets for dogs. Barney has never has fleas but I did notice he seemed to get a lot of ticks last year and I realised he hadn't been having garlic everyday.
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Re: Dangerous Foods and Plants

Post by DoggieWoof »

Hi everyone, I thought I make an addition to your dangerous foods list.

While I wouldn't go about saying anything about a particular brand or food I would like to warn about use of BHT, Carrageenan and other dangerous chemicals.

You can read everything about toxic and deadly chemicals some pet food manufacturers use in their foods here http://mysweetpuppy.net/dangerous-ingredients-pet-food/

I would advise any pet parent to memorize bad ingredients and the next time they are shopping for foods to check out the ingredient lists of their foods..
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