We recently got an 11-week old, mini, called Olive, who we love to bits already!
We have had her for 4 days now. In first day she ate everything given to her: which in hindsight was too much (about 80g per meal). We have since reduced to about 50g per meal.
In the last two days she is not interested in eating from her bowl. She's on a kibble. She has no issue with treats or when you hand feed her the kibble but has zero interest in eating from the bowl.
I have three questions:
1.) how much should I be feeding her? On the kibble packet it says 170-210g during first 2-6 months for an expected weight of 5-10kg. So if I assume she will eventually weigh 8.5kg, I would presume that means 198g, so 66g per meal. Is my maths right? If so, I wonder why she's barely eating!
2.) How long can you feed her kibble for as we have massive packet? Is there a point you should switch to raw food?
3.) Has anyone got any tips for getting her eating from the bowl?
Thanks so much.