Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Need help or advice on feeding your Schnauzer, whether it be kibble or treats, you'll find the information here. There is food reviews, recipes, remedies for poorly tummies and a wealth of feeding knowledge from your fellow Schnauzer owner. We cover BARF in a separate section.
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Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

Hi All,

My brother came home the other night carrying a cute white miniature for my 8 year old daughter. Needless to say, I'm the one taking care of her. She's 3 months old, and I've been trying to read up on how to take care of her.

1. I was told to feed her 2x a full day (handful of dry dog food each time), but she's constantly hungry. I maintain and don't give in.
2. The person that gave her to my brother said not to give snacks, but I find that quite odd. Can I give snacks? How often? What type of snack?
3. My brother tells me to not allow her to eat grass, so taking her out is just a fight since she goes into the yard and shoves her nose into the grass.
4. She poo's everywhere in the house as well as pee's, so yes, she needs to be potty trained. What's the best method?
5. I take her out just after breakfast and about 20 minutes after watching her drink water, so she can poo and pee, but all she does is play. When she comes in, she pee's and I've caught her about to poo...picked her up and run outside to finish.
6. I understand that we're not supposed to go on long walks, which I'm not, but needless to say, taking her out to just try and poo and pee takes forever.

She's super energetic...plays hard for about 3 hours and then rests and sleeps for about 3 hours and then it starts again.

I'm trying to learn, so if someone can please give advise, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by Sandie1 »

Hi there,
There are lots of really experienced Schnauzer owners on this forum and I'm certain they will reply to you very soon and give you lots of essential advice. In the meantime I would say your pup needs feeding 3 or 4 times per day so she will certainly be very hungry at the moment. Most puppy foods will have feeding guidelines on the bag as to the correct amounts to give and how often.

It's probably best to restrict her to a smaller part of the house to begin with, maybe with a washable floor. She will need to be taken outside after waking, feeding, sleeping and playing and probably every hour or maybe every 45 minutes whilst she is very young. This way, it will mean she doesn't get chance to have accidents inside, and will get used to weeing outside. At the moment her bladder will be quite small so she needs to wee often. As she grows she will be able to hang on a little longer.

Young pups need upwards of 18 hours sleep per day. She will need her own safe place to sleep, such as a crate made comfortable with washable bedding.

My pup is now 16 weeks and it's hard work! But worth putting in the effort as it pays off later. I have found books very helpful, particularly:
The Happy Puppy Handbook by Pippa Mattinson.
I would recommend getting hold of this or maybe other owners will recommend others. Get all the help and advice that you can.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

Thank you for the response. I began feeding her 3x per day. From what I've read, 120g is a full day requirement, so I've split up the amount and added 1 more feeding time. I have her on a 7am, 1pm and 6pm feeding schedule. In regards to snacks...still trying to figure this out. I'm attempting potty training by the crate method. She currently sleeps in her crate from evening until morning, and surprisingly does not wake, bark or anything from the time I put her in at 10pm until 6:30am when I take her out to pee. I'm not sure if I should be worried about this or happy that I don't have to wake and sit outside to have her pee or poo late night. As I type, and this is taking me a while as I have to take breaks to take her out of the crate and attempt again and again to have her pee and poo. She has now done #1 (after 5 attempts of 15 minute intervals), but no #2! Needless to say, she's back in her crate for another 15. It's taking so long to have her pee and poo that it's digging into her sleep pattern, which worries me. Honestly, I think it was easier taking care of our! Anyhow, thank you for the response. I'm doing my best here...
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by Dawnspell »

Hi and Welcome
1, The amount of food depends upon what brand of food you are feeding. 3 times a day is much better.

2, Regards snacks there are some treats you can buy which are unsuitable for under 4 mths of age but other than that the only reason I can think of is they were thinking its like giving a child chocolate as a snack then they dont want regular food.

3, I havent found grass to be harmfull unless they try to eat too much and they start choking. I actually grow wheat grass for Jasper to eat everyday. If theyve eaten a long bit you can end up with clingon poos out the other end =))

4, You need to be vigilant. Basically take her out every time after food (poos normally happen shortly after a meal), water, when she wakes up, after play and or every hour or so until you get an idea how long she can hold it in. If you cant supervise her to catch her in the act then she should be in a crate or play pen. Watch out for any sniffing thats normally a good indicator something is going to happen.
To start with pick her up to take her outside so she cant have an accident on the way. Take some high value treats out so when she goes you can reward her and give a que word ( I use pee pee as its not something we normally say). Dont make a fuss if she has an accident inside, just ignore her and clean it up using one of the de-odourising sprays with her having a few accidents. If you tell her off or react in a bad way she will just learn to go and hide and do it.

5, When you take her out put her on lead and go to the same spot and just hold the lead short but not tight so she can move but cant wonder so she understands its not play time. If she hasnt gone in 10 mins take her back inside and supervise her and take her out again in about 15 mins and repeat. She'll soon learn that is not play time and shes expected to do something.

6, 5 mins for every month of age if theyre being walked on hard surface. If its a field or beach I wouldnt worry too much.

I would say she not sleeping enough. She should be sleeping at least 20 hours a day. This is where the crate comes in again so you can enforce rest. Shes probably overtired which is why she appears to be energetic. Thinks of an over tired toddler.

Yes puppies are hard work and it can be overwhelming, you'll get there. Its just condensed in a few months where as a child is a few years. Ask anything you like the only stupid question is the one you didnt ask :)

Have a look at these downloads for more tips ... -struggles
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

Dawnspell, thank you for the information, it's definitely helpful!

Royal Canine, the bag states 1 full cup, but I find that to be too much for such a small body, so I've stuck with 120g split over 3 meals. Sometimes, we give her just a tad bit more, but not a lot since we feel horrible that she's constantly hungry.

Snacks, I'll head out to Petco today and talk with them...get an idea what I can give her as I feel a snack will help with her hunger in between meals.

In regards to grass...she's like a lawnmower!!! She's so small that at times I can't tell if she's sniffing or eating, but sometimes...she just starts at one end and takes off, head down and just pulling grass for a good distance. I keep pulling her head up, but at this moment, I know she's just playing, so I take her back in and place her back into the crate.

Potty training is getting much, much better. I've been using the crate method.

She's gotten used to peeing and pooing in the same general area, so I'm glad!

I'm sticking with 5 minutes per month on hard surface. I'll walk her down the street and back home.

Sleeping...oh my!!! She is so sweet at times and then it's like the devil enters her and she is just completely uncontrollable! I hate to see her in the crate so often, but I'm now placing her back into her crate to rest! She was NOT even getting 3 hours sleep throughout the entire day, but once I began putting her back into the crate, she'll cry a bit, but then she just knocks out for a while.

Question: For how long (months) does she need so much sleep?

Once again, thank you for the great info and the links!
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by Dawnspell »

Pleased things are improving.

Dogs can sleep a lot. On weekdays when we're working Jasper will have a half hour to one hour walk in the morning. He then goes in his crate until lunchtime, he'll come out have a play and opportunity to go outside. He'll then snooze all afternoon have another play break before tea then snooze most of the evening until bedtime pee and mooch in the garden. Then sleep solid for around 10 hours. Weekend he's more active but still sleeps loads. I have worked a lot on training calmness and making sure he gets crate rest as he was constantly on the go and getting overtired.

I'd look at changing from royal canin it's really not good quality food. It's full of non nutritious fillers which is why you have to give a lot to get the calories. Higher protein food will make her feel fuller. Check these websites one is US the other UK.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

OK, so yesterday I had a scare. Woke and took Tinkerbell out for a wee and poo....breakfast after and again for a little walk. She did both and once in the house, I let her play around a bit. I turned the corner and saw her poo...a loose stool and then began moving around the house throwing up and more loose stool. She ran under the sofa and threw up again. I looked at her throw up and there was a large amount of snacks her body wasn't processing. I tried taking her to a Vet, but believe it or not, nobody could see her until next week. I finally found a miserable looking vet...put us on the list and before they called us Tinkerbell was up and playing nothing happened. I cancelled the appointment...went to Petco and bought her better food and some other items. I didn't feed her until the evening, but only a small portion to see how her stomach handles the food. I'm now feeding her Merrick dog food for puppies and I'm adding in a tablespoon of pumpkin puree. She seems to like it, but since yesterday morning, she hasn't gone to poo...just wee, but I have to safely assume it's because she didn't have much food in her stomach. I felt like a new parent...scared of something going wrong or doing something wrong. What a day we had.

She seems to be better now...lot's of rest and eating good, but it makes no difference on what type of food I give her, she's ALWAYS hungry! Sniffing anything out to put in her mouth! It's so hard to make sure she's not putting something in her mouth that she shouldn't! I've moved up to 2/3 cup of food a day to see if eventually it makes some difference in her appetite.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by Dawnspell »

Puppies can tend to throw up then act as if nothing has happened. You did right not to feed her for a while to let her stomach settle. Pumpkin is good you can also give cooked sweet potato. I would mix a little of the new food in with the old and gradually phase the old food out. Its probably just the change in food why she hasnt been bit like us changing diet it can change our toilet habits. Thats where transitioning over to new food can help.can help.

She might not necessarily be hungry all the time just a very food orientated dog. Shes also 3 months old and coming up to teething age when gums can start to feel sore even if the teeth arent loose. Chewing helps relieve the pain for puppies which is another reason she could be always wanting something in her mouth.

Puppies are hard work, youre doing fine, just keep taking deep breaths :D
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

My continued thanks!!!

I have a new thing to ask...

OK, she's now going on 4 months. The food I changed her to...she loves and is now pooing on schedule and without problem. Her potty training is going great! Back to her always being hungry. I'm feeding her 2/3 cup split up over 3 meals, but I'm looking at the instructions on the bag of food and it's kind of confusing. I've also gone to the website for Merrick and it has a calorie counter to help determine how much food to give, but it's throwing me off. It basically asks 3 questions: How old she is; how active is she & ideal weight. The ideal weight is throwing me off as I don't know if they're talking about how much I want her to weigh or how much she should weigh at the moment.

My question if anybody can answer is: She's going on 4 months now...what should be her ideal weight? She's definitely very active, but I'm making her get the necessary rest she needs.

I put in 6lbs and it's telling me to feed her 1 1/4 cups of food (I'm currently giving 2/3 cup of food, which may be why she's always searching for food).

Once again, thank you for all the help with my ongoing learning process.

Just want to be a good daddy here!!! ... to-recipe/ (for reference)
Last edited by robm31 on 03 Jan 2022, 21:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by Dawnspell »

The feeding guides on packets are a nightmare. Looking at the website its asking for goal weight which I take to mean expected adult weight. You can only have a guide on this from what size the parents were. If they were breed standard size and build then average for adult female should be around 15 lbs - 18 lbs depending on how stocky they are. For example my first boy Barney was stocky frame and weighed in at 25 lbs ( he was also tall) Jasper is slim built and even taller but only weighs 20 lbs.

They tend to use the guide of expected adult weight as a puppy is growing fast and actually eats nearly as much as an adult. I would feel her body condition throughout her life as a guide of how much to feed. Put your hands on either side of her rib cage and feel the ribs. If every rib is easy to feel then she probably needs more food. If you can easily feel the ribs but you can feel a covering of flesh then she fine. Not being able to feel the ribs through skin then over weight. Also as a guide gently make a fist, not tight just closed hand. Run your fingers across your knuckles, that would be under weight feel of ribs. Now open your hand flat and run fingers over knuckles, that is more like ideal weight ribs would feel. Just check body condition once a week throughout life and feed accordingly.
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Re: Miniature - Help! Feeding, Walks, Potty Training

Post by robm31 »

The instructions are definitely confusing as it states to give her way too much. I've stuck with my initial daily food ration, three times a day and she's gone from feeling her ribs too easy to as you state, feeling her ribs but with a covering. I can tell she's put on some weight from the first time she arrived. I'm thinking she wasn't getting enough food previously, so increasing her ration to the 120g daily with some snacks in-between and she seems to be fine. She does act like she's always hungry though...I have to assume since she's a baby, she just doesn't know when enough is enough. Thank you for the continued help.
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