Giant Shnauzer Leaking Urine

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First Name: MANDY

Giant Shnauzer Leaking Urine

Post by manpete »


We have an 11-month-old Giant Schnauzer, a few months back I noticed one night while she was sleeping on our bed, she peed, completely asleep. Didn't think much about it until it happened again a few days later, but this time she was just lying on the floor and started leaking urine. Unaware to her she was doing it. After this happened several more times, I took her to the vet, they took a x-ray to look for bladder stones, she was good there, took a urine sample and said she had a very resistant bug, so they put her on antibiotics for 14 days. They wanted to retest her before she was done with the antibiotics, so I took a urine sample up to them. Awaiting the results, but it is still happening. This is not normal in a young dog, and with it still going on, I don't think the antibiotics are the key.
Has anyone else experienced this in their giant? Any help or advise on what we need to do next. The vet did say if the antibiotics don't work, we will go to step 2 which I am not sure what that is just yet.
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Re: Giant Shnauzer Leaking Urine

Post by zeta1454 »

Hello Mandy and welcome to the Forum :)

Although I do not have Giant Schnauzers, I have read that the breed are vulnerable to a condition called PRIMARY SPHINCTER MECHANISM INCOMPETENCE (PSMI) which does cause involuntary peeing as you describe. In many bitches urinary incontinence is related to spaying especially if carried out when the dog is young but in a small number of breeds which includes the Giant Schnauzer this can happen even if they are not spayed. This is from the article I have linked to below:

PSMI may occur in any breed of dog or in mixed breed dogs but some breeds are over-represented including the Doberman pinscher, Giant Schnauzer….”

I have put a link here for you which is a vet article on the subject including potential treatments: ... ur-options

And also this article from a U.K. animal charity: ... mi-in-dogs
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Re: Giant Shnauzer Leaking Urine

Post by manpete »

Thank you for providing the articles to read. This is kind of the resolution we had come up with also, so I really appreciate your feedback!
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Re: Giant Shnauzer Leaking Urine

Post by ambella »

I know I am late to the post but my Giant had the same problem, she was older when it occurred, i think she was about 4, maybe 5? She was spayed at 6 months. Never noticed a problem until we were camping one weekend, and she decided to leak all over the bed at night... and then again while sleeping, just little puddles here and there. We have put her on Proin ER. It has definitely helped with the incontinence but not sure if we have a bigger problem now that she is 6 and now dealing with a high protein in the urine. Dont know if it is a side effect or something else yet.
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