Stained beard

Grooming is an important part of looking after your Schnauzer. Regular grooming will help keep your Schnauzer healthy and comfortable and you will spot potential problems early. Whether you decide to clip or strip your Schnauzer, help is on hand. Schnauzers are generally a non-shedding breed and will require a fair amount of grooming to get rid of dead hair.
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Stained beard

Post by Schnauzerluv »

Ugh I know this topic has been reviewed to death, but I'd like to know if anyone has found a good method for removing (or preventing) the staining around the mouth.

Ozzy has only started with a bit of staining, it could be from when he wasn't eating well (teething I think), and I was adding baby food to his food. The baby food was orange in color. He is eating well again, nothing added, but his stain is still there.

What I've done so far is wash it with baking soda and a drop of dish soap. I use paper towel and to dry it. It always worked for my Chelsea, but not so much for Ozzy. The paper towel is pretty clear.

I've been reading through the grooming forum and so far I plan to make some charcoal biscuits and I already feed him yogurt. Our water is very soft with very low TDS (40 ppm) so idk if it would help to provide bottled water for Ozzy, but I would try it if I thought it would work.

I've read about stain removers like angel eyes, is this the current best?

Any new leads or anything to be suggested?
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Schnauzerluv »

Also does AngelEyes still contain an antibiotic? Not interested if it does.....
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Dawnspell »

Schnauzerluv wrote: 01 Apr 2021, 18:45 Also does AngelEyes still contain an antibiotic? Not interested if it does.....

Their website doesn't list antibiotic in the ingredients anymore. Interestingly on a different website people were saying it doesn't work like it used to :-\

Having a white dog the staining shows up even more, but neither of mine have been really bad. I tried all sorts with Barney, no beef, Apple cider vinegar, filtered water, bottled water, bicarb washes, probiotics, non of it really made a great deal of difference. The input effort was more than the outcome result =)) I

I do use Chris Christensen white on white shampoo which is scary as it's deep purple like gentian violet when it comes out of the bottle you think you're going to get a purple dog =)) but it does help. I'm sure if I washed with it everyday it would be a lot whiter, but I'm not that fussed. Another good one is Alpha white double k shampoo. Both cost more than the shampoo I use for myself :))
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Schnauzerluv »

Ok thanks so much for the reply, I didn't expect one until much later (time zone). I figured AE wasn't much of a difference if it doesn't contain an antibiotic, but like I said I wouldn't be interested in that anyway. I had a peek at the ingredients and all I can see that might be effective is benzoyl (disinfectant).

I'll have a look at the products you suggested, thanks!

I feel you with a white mini. But like you say, it's not the end of the world and not bad for their health.

I'm gonna try and clean his beard often, like twice a day for a while. Luckily he is ok with me cleaning his beard.

I was searching for a remedy while waiting for a response, I found h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide). Here in Canada, it's 3%, I think in parts of the UK it is 6%, so you'd use less, but I found it really helped to lessen the stain.

I used a tablespoon of h2o2 and a tablespoon of water and mixed in cornstarch to make a sort of paste. I left it on for a bit, then rinsed with warm water on a paper towel. I then dried it with more paper towel.

I think I'll continue using h2o2 for a bit and see if it helps. Technically if it was yeast and not staining from the baby food, the h2o2 should help the same as a topical antibiotic on the hair. But I still don't think it's yeast and it's not that bad-yet. No odor.

As long as his beard is clean, it's kissable and I just don't care that much. Just curious if there was a simple enough solution.

Thanks for your help, your experience was very helpful!

PS- I still have a bit of blue (purple) shampoo. Maybe you already knew this, but purple is the opposite of yellow on the color wheel, so it would help to get the brassiness out of white fur. I think I might try some on his legs, but not too sure about right under his nose and jawline.
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Dawnspell »

Yes I've seen the purple shampoo for b!ondes, they look a shade of lilac compared to the white on white =))

If forgotten about the h2o2. I did try it once on Barney his beard went pink :-o :)) no idea why. Didn't do that again.
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Re: Stained beard

Post by schnauzer »

i recommend probiotic yoghurt, charcoal bisuits & filter water for keeping the beard white.
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Schnauzerluv »

Thank you Christine! I accidentally put the charcoal biscuits on the back burner, but I'll definitely look into it again! Been doing the yogurt and filtered water for the last little bit, I haven't noticed any further staining 😊 Admittedly he usually has dirt in his beard lol. I can wash it 10 times a day and it's still full of dirt and mud (the little rascal!). I really appreciate your feedback!

Also I got 'diamond eyes' facial cleanser, I'll let you know how it does.
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Buster »

We have just got our mini puppy - he is lovely but has a white face and his beard his going orange - desperate to try and avoid the dreaded staining. We have been wiping with baby wipes; washing with the eye stain remover, but it’s not making much difference. Any other suggestions here? He is only little.
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Re: Stained beard

Post by Dawnspell »

I've learned to live with it and having a white dog it shows more than the other colours. It does just seem that some are more prone to it than others which may suggest genetics.
I've also noticed that Jasper has got whiter over the past 6 months. I do mix around with his food, at the moment he is eating mainly Coya freeze dried raw. Whether thats got anything to do with it I dont know. He does get two very long stained bits either side of his bottom jaw, I think it must be a dribble spot. I do cut those off short and it does make a difference to his appearance. It always looks a lot whiter when its been washed with the purple shampoo. As I said in previous post it would make a difference if I washed everyday but not a priority for me.
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