He still has anxiety issues about the world but he so much more chilled than he used to be. He's never going to like children but at least he now doesnt go into meltdown just hearing one never mind seeing one like he used to. He's still learning that he can ignore things and not everything is his business. I think there will always be training to be done with him

To show how far hes come his Gran had to spend the last few months of her life in hospital at the end of last year. She had dementia with anxiety and panic issues and would get very distraught. The ward was dog friendly and Jasper visited her almost everyday. He walked calmly through the hospital, didn't bark at people, and would lay on his blanket on the bed for cuddles and endless treats from his Gran. It was ironic that the dog with anxiety issues himself was the one that was best at calming down his Gran

This mornings walk. The cliff paths are just coming into full bloom

Giving me stink eye. He doesnt like his photo being taken

His daytime job as Office Morale Dog