Need advice on grooming

Grooming is an important part of looking after your Schnauzer. Regular grooming will help keep your Schnauzer healthy and comfortable and you will spot potential problems early. Whether you decide to clip or strip your Schnauzer, help is on hand. Schnauzers are generally a non-shedding breed and will require a fair amount of grooming to get rid of dead hair.
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Need advice on grooming

Post by sarah-doe »

I am new to the forum and new to the breed. My little guy Brodie is a 3 month old black male miniature schnauzer. He is so sweet and I’m beyond obsessed with him 😂. I need some advice on his coat and how to start carding and stripping. It is super fluffy/soft/curly and getting pretty long. I have watched some videos and seen a lot of people say I should start carding right away. But when I try to do it, no hair comes out! Maybe my technique is not right 😬. If someone could please help me u understand how to start grooming from scratch? I’m a complete beginner. Thank you ❤️
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Re: Need advice on grooming

Post by Dawnspell »

With carding you are only removing the soft undercoat you need to also starting pulling some of the wire. With my 2 I noticed the first hairs to start coming out easy were between the shoulder blades and up the neck. Just get a couple of hairs in your finger tips and give a tug to see if they come out.

Theres loads of posts on the forum some with added pictures etc to get you started just do a search
Our first family dog
Barney - Pocketpark Biali Eyebright 6/2/13 - 8/3/19 Gone too soon
Motto for owners who groom their own Schnauzers -"Never mind it'll soon grow back"
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