water for mini schnauzer puppy

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First Name: David

water for mini schnauzer puppy

Post by Dplx1963 »

I have a 5 month old white mini schnauzer and im not sure about the amount of water to give her.
Do i leave her any water at bed time .
also she is on her own during week days from 8 in the morning till 12 at dinner do i leave her any then or just give her water at feeding times.
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Re: water for mini schnauzer puppy

Post by Dinkum »

Hi David and welcome to the forum.

Conventional wisdom is that a dog should have access to clean, drinking water at all times. I leave a bowl down for mine, so that he can help himself when needed.
Dean (Dog dad)
Rupert, black mini, 24/12/10 - 01/03/24
Watson, black mini born 21/02/12

I offer my advice freely, but I am not an expert, breeder, groomer or behaviourist. It is simply my experience of raising pups in a way that seems to make sense.
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Re: water for mini schnauzer puppy

Post by zeta1454 »

Hi David - I agree with the advice in the post above. You should leave out a bowl of drinking water for your puppy at all times as you should for an adult dog. They may not always drink at the meal time but must have access to water throughout the day. It is especially important if you feed dry food.
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