Introducing Arran

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Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »

After much thought I've decided to buy the male Bearded Collie puppy that my friend has bred (he also has 6 sisters)

This litter is carefully planned and health tested and I would be silly to pass up on such a good puppy that's so close to me.
I know all of her dogs very well and better-socialised and trained dogs you'd be hard to find.

He's 4 weeks old so I have to wait until the beginning of October for him.


As he's got strong Scottish heritage on his mother's side I looked for a suitable name - Arran
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by Maty »

Love the name Cath and he looks a cutie :x

Is this instead of the P&S Giant you were looking for?

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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by zeta1454 »

He looks very sweet - and what a lovely name :)
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »

I though long and hard and decided that I really want another female Giant but now is not the right time.

Hopefully Arran will fit nicely into my group as the slightly smaller boys seem to suit my bigger girls
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by Dawnspell »

He's soooo fluffy :)
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by BeeBee »

He is gorgeous and what a great name :) Hope we get to meet him this winter somewhere on a walk :x
Jasmine (RIP) Renae b.01.11.10, sister to Susie-Belle (RIP), Twinkle (RIP), Cerise & Albert Claude puppy farm rescues, my muses
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by Claire Farrington »

What a gorgeous baby :ymhug:
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »

Thank you for all your comments

He'll hopefully be shown by my friend's daughters as they are really good at the YKC handling.They are keeping one of his sisters and his mother is also shown so that will keep the family busy. Show handling is not a skill that I have learnt so I intend to let others who are good at it have a go! Primarily he's a pet so if showing isn't for him it really doesn't matter.
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer

Re: Introducing Arran

Post by maxluath »

he is beautiful just like the Isle of Arran.
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by BBG »

Awww! I'm sure he'll fit right in. Bit of a change from Giants though :)
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »

He's a bridge until I can have another girl - to be realistic I need to wait as 2 Giants is really enough

As my friend's bred him and I've known her dogs for years I have a pretty good idea what to expect. I've also fostered a couple of male Beardies to help rehabilitate them for new homes so I know I have to work hard for him to be a well-socialised, good mannered boy - they can be a bit of a handful.
It's an exciting new challenge
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »


Seem to have lost the original photos so have reposted them
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer
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First Name: Gerri
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is a: Black Mini Dog
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by BBG »

Didn't read your first post properly! I was thinking unusual markings for a Border Collie - looks more like a Beardy! :ymblushing:
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by blackgiant »

Well Arran's been home just over 2 weeks and he's fabulous - so laid-back. He makes no fuss about the crate and really gets on well with the other dogs so I thought I'd post some new pictures


Just had his sister Olive staying overnight
I knew that having siblings was not a good idea but even a few hours has confirmed that this would be a nightmare. They totally ignore anything but each other and play constantly - unable to settle without being separated in crates.
I know this would settle out in the long run but the effort required to socialise and train 2 puppies of the same age would be immense.
A very interesting experience.
Cath in Christchurch
living with
Lottie -Giant P&S
Heidi -Giant Black
Troy -Standard P&S
Suzy - Honorary Schnauzer (aka Standard Poodle)
Arran - Bearded Collie - another Honorary Schnauzer
Clover - Bearded Collie - yet another Honorary Schnauzer
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Re: Introducing Arran

Post by BeeBee »

Yum, he is an absolute cutie. I dont know anything about beardies and their characters, what are you hoping for compared say with your gorgeous giants & standard?

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Jasmine (RIP) Renae b.01.11.10, sister to Susie-Belle (RIP), Twinkle (RIP), Cerise & Albert Claude puppy farm rescues, my muses
Creator of Schnauzerfest a good thing made possible by 1000s of good people & dogs ... 0289434936
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