Bramble1965 wrote:
Special recognition to Janetta Harvey and Kate Mitchell .... For your love, devotion , hard work , tireless hours given and much more.
Janetta's fabulous idea. The backbone's of Schnauzerfest.
Extremely well done ladies
Thank you. Although it was my idea originally, I never for 1 second realised how much support there would be, both last year, and once again this year, which has seen the support grow right across the country, literally from Cornwall to Orkney. Without everyone's input in all ways, large, small, financial, practical, emotional, ALL ways, it wouldn't be much of an event. I'm humbled by how the idea has taken off.
It's really incredible what an example of cooperation this has been this year. And great that we all do what we do, because we want to see things better for the dogs while enjoying our own and making sure they get out to enjoy the weekend.
shaunius wrote:
A great amount has been raised for Schnauzerfest all around!!
It really has.
It's been wonderful seeing donations coming in from afar, we've had several cash donations from overseas supporters; the signed Following Atticus book was sent to me from Kim in the States, and Melinda in Texas has been a great supporter of all the various crafty items people have been making and selling.
We've had donations from people who weren't able to get out on walks, but want to help DBARC and EMDR. This generosity and collaboration is special.
From large groups to small, money has come in and the total is still rising. What's also been interesting as I catch up and analyse things more carefully is that some of the smaller attended walks really raised some serious sums. It's a fascinating thing looking at fundraising, and what motivates people, and this year has been just the best example of it any of us could have hoped for.
The work of DBARC and EMDR will be enhanced for sure by everyone's contributions this year. Huge thanks to all involved in whatever way.