Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Celebrating a birthday or is your Schnauzer celebrating a birthday? Then congratulations from all of us.
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Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Donald »

Plus about 6 weeks...

It's been one of those years.

Dieta is ageing quite a bit now. After about three to five miles in a day she's just worn out.

Her hips are getting stiffer, she no longer jumps into the car but has to be lifted in.

She's always been a scavenger but these days the results of that are spectacular and unpleasant. I'm hoping this is just her eating rotting dead stuff and getting nastily upset stomachs from it. As a result I need a new mattress and hall carpet...

However before subjecting the old girl to veterinary tests, we're trying an anti-scavenging approach and she doesn't get out of the house without a muzzle on. She is less than impressed with this.

Fortunately she rapidly forgets she has it on and trots along happily.

She's still terribly barky when Chester winds himself up.

Here she is last weekend with her muzzle on.

And with her pals at the cottage in the wilds. 3 giants (The delightful Harley was visiting) and a Westie in a small cottage means a big trip hazard. Corrie, my mother's Westie, used to attack Chester on sight but they have both mellowed which is good.


And trying to drink the River Don dry. She's always been a big drinker - watching the four of them competitively drinking the water bowls dry was a funny sight.


And isn't this a girl desperately needing a haircut.


She's still wonderful to have around, and I'm hoping for more gotcha days from her. I got Dieta in a hurry after the beloved Fizzy died suddenly in May 2011, Dieta was completely unlike Fizz in every respect other than being a female giant schnauzer. But in her own way she too captured my heart. And still holds it between her paws.
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by zeta1454 »

Lovely update and photos of Dieta - thank you for sharing them :)

She sounds such as character - wishing her many more gotcha days to come x
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Robin black mini »

They have such a happy life with you...happy gotcha day to your beautiful girl.
How old do you think she is?

Re the arthritis ..have you tried yumove?...I read on another site it's been very effective for a lot of aging dogs.
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Donald »

She's ten and a half, I'm certainly up to try anything that gives her a better quality of life.
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Champ629 »

Happy Gotcha Day Dieta and here's to many more :)
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Morgana99 »

Bless her, she sounds a big character in more ways than one ;) and she landed a great life with you :ymhug: x
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by Donald »

I wish there could have been more Gotcha Days, but she crossed the bridge today, two months and a day short of her eleventh birthday.

RIP Dieta.
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Re: Dieta's fifth Gotcha Day.

Post by redalert »

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear this, but you can pat yourself on the back an know that her last days were happy days, RIP lovely girl.
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