Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

The Miniature Schnauzer is a smallest dog in the Schnauzer breed and originated in the mid-to-late 19th Century from Germany. The Miniature Schnauzer is a cross between the Standard Schnauzer and other smaller breeds such as the Poodle. A miniature Schnauzer is a spunky, but aloof dog who does things their own way. They tend to be good guard dogs without the tendency to bite.
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Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by GoEmGo »

Hi all

Just wondered how the mini schnauzers of the UK were coping with the hot weather.

Monty is definitely not a huge fan of the heat but he's been getting on ok... until today. He's sleeping a little more during the day in front of a fan and we have a cool mat for him. Yesterday was fine, but today he vomited (or regurgitated I think) the tiniest amount of undigested food (about a teaspoon) in his sleep. This was nearing his lunchtime so a few hours after brekkie. He's also a little more unsettled, moving around a bit more to find comfy spots. I think the regurgitating thing scared him a little and he woke up barking. Could this be the heat?

We are trying to keep the house cool - he has a fan and cool mat, frozen socks and ice cubes aplenty. We are also walking him later in the evening (he always enjoys an early morning walk anyway.)

As a first time dog owner it'd be nice to hear what is normal hot weather behaviour, etc.

Thank you.
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Re: Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by zeta1454 »

It sounds as though you are doing all the right things. If Monty does want a walk then go at the coolest times of day - very early morning and late in the evening - and keep to shaded areas if possible and ensure the ground is not too hot to touch. There is no necessity to give dogs a walk on extremely hot days unless they really want to go out.

Indoors make sure Monty has free access to cool areas with a chill mat and fan to keep temperatures lower for him and even at night if his sleeping area is still hot. Always have a bowl of water available for him too.

Our dogs rest a lot more in hot weather and look for the coolest places to lie down in the shade. Some like to spend a bit of time in the sun but not for long. They do drink more and the small amount of regurgitated food you mentioned with Monty is also not unusual if a dog gets very hot. If Monty enjoys playing in water you could try a splash mat or paddling pool for him to play around in - we do have a paddling pool but our dogs are generally water-phobic and not even a hot day will get them interested in a cool dip =))

This has some useful tips :)

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Re: Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by Dawnspell »

White dogs don't get overheated as quickly as black dogs purely because of their colour. If you touch our neighbours black and white dog the white fur is noticeably cooler to the touch. I met someone with a black dog this morning and they said they hadn't even taken him for a walk yesterday because he was getting too hot just going for loo break in the garden.

Jasper hasn't been any different other than drinking more.We had it nearly 32C yesterday. I had to keep hosing down the patio to make sure it didn't burn paws. This also wet his paw pads which again helped keep him cool. He slept on his cool mat yesterday but decided to give it a chew today :ymdevil: so that's now out of his crate. Even though it was 27c at 8 pm last night it didn't stop the zoomies :))

Yes the heat could have caused the vomiting. Just make sure he keeps hydrated. Jasper is enjoying chewing on frozen cooked sweet potato mixed with cream cheese and mashed strawberries. Got some frozen banana for this afternoon.
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Re: Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by Lou78 »

Interesting to read about the vomiting/regurgitation. We had this yesterday with Ollie for the first time. Even last year, in the very hot summer we had, I don't remember him doing this.

Ollie is exactly as you describe Monty. Unsettled, padding round to find a comfy spot....not happy in himself! He slept downstairs last night, unheard of! it is cooler though. He didn't even disturb when the storm raged at 2am!

We have a fan on him and keep damping him down with a wet cloth on his head and body. We tried a hose but he just runs off. I really wish I had bought a cheap kids' paddling pool! If he wasn't so bath-averse I would pop him in there but that in itself brings its own problems!

He has been for a walk today and yesterday but i am going to suggest he doesn't bother tomorrow if it is over 30 degrees. He came back from his night time wee trip to the garden still panting last night and that was 10pm but it was 28 degrees! He won't go on the cool mat despite numerous attempts from us to get him to do so! It is too "crunchy" i think!

I don't know about anyone else, but we really struggle to get him to any weather but particularly aware of it when it is hot! He will have a gulp after a walk and after food but he can be panting his head off and he won't have a drink. I had left two full bowls of water yesterday and when my husband got home at 12 noon he hadn't touched either. He is strange in that he will only eat and drink when we are there! Consequently, he usually drinks a lot more in the afternoons/evenings than the morning.

He wont be tempted with frozen fruit pieces or ice of any description! It is so frustrating! I can only assume he isn't thirsty but i find that hard to believe especially yesterday when i had drunk about 5 litres of water myself!

That's a good tip Alison; i think i have some frozen sweet potato in the freezer so will dig that out.

Hope Monty (and all the other puppers!) are ok and good luck everyone tomorrow (especially in that there London if it tops 38C!!) xxxxxx
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Re: Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by GoEmGo »

Thanks for the replies.

Louise, I hope Ollie is ok today. The heat seems to be at its peak today.

Monty is doing ok, but was a little sick in his sleep again last night - however, we think we have found the cause of this particular episode. He's been munching on sticks and soil in the back garden, the evidence of which he threw back up, all over his bed. :ymsick: At the moment he's going through a phase of putting all sorts of things in his mouth, although we tend to be able to fish the offending sticks and soil chunks out of his mouth before he swallows them. I must have missed it this time! On walks he responds to a 'leave it' command. When left ot his own deivces he's more mischevous!

My partner ended up lugging a mobile air con unit back home yesterday from the office for Monty. The things we do for our pups. Monty is curently enjoying the cooler climate in the living room by sleeping on the sofa. We did a short walk early AM today, but I can't see us going later. We will retreat to the shade of the garden this evening I think.
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Re: Mini Schnauzers In The Hot Weather

Post by Lou78 »

Sorry, i have only just caught up with posts.

Yes, he was ok once we deployed the wet tea towel on him and then plonked him in front of the fan! Thanks for asking. Hope Monty was ok after the hot spell.

As far as them eating things they shouldn't, Olls still does this at 6 y.o. He has got a lot better but, as you say, easier on walks but a bugger when he is in the garden. He ate lots of grass yesterday and then promptly threw it back up. He does like grass, despite all out best efforts to stop him munching it! he has always done this so doubt he is going to stop any time soon....he just had a bit too much yesterday!
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