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Need advice on grooming

Posted: 17 Sep 2024, 17:41
by sarah-doe
I am new to the forum and new to the breed. My little guy Brodie is a 3 month old black male miniature schnauzer. He is so sweet and I’m beyond obsessed with him 😂. I need some advice on his coat and how to start carding and stripping. It is super fluffy/soft/curly and getting pretty long. I have watched some videos and seen a lot of people say I should start carding right away. But when I try to do it, no hair comes out! Maybe my technique is not right 😬. If someone could please help me u understand how to start grooming from scratch? I’m a complete beginner. Thank you ❤️

Re: Need advice on grooming

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 10:25
by Dawnspell
With carding you are only removing the soft undercoat you need to also starting pulling some of the wire. With my 2 I noticed the first hairs to start coming out easy were between the shoulder blades and up the neck. Just get a couple of hairs in your finger tips and give a tug to see if they come out.

Theres loads of posts on the forum some with added pictures etc to get you started just do a search